Monday, April 26, 2010

Getting my green (red) on...

On Saturday, I did it.  I staked a claim to my very own MadAss.  They had every available color to choose from except flat-black.  It should almost go without saying that I chose red.  It's a beautiful thing! 
I made it to the DMV just before they opened Saturday morning, excited and ready.  I was first in line... to find out that motorcycle learners permit tests are not administered on Saturdays. Nerds! 
I went and took care of business at Maplewood Scooter Company anyways.  While I was hoping to pick up my hog the same day, it was not to be.  Some prep-work and safety checks still had to be done.  Don't want to skimp on those, I suppose. 
Hopefully by the close of business today, you will find me atop my very own 125cc's of fire engine red, pissed off badger, fury.

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