Friday, April 30, 2010


I think I'm getting the hang of this!  Feeling pretty good about my riding skills and comfortability on the MadAss, I mustered the confidence to ride her to work this morning.  I stayed off the main roads  90% of the time, and felt very safe. 
The skies threatened rain, but I was prepared to handle it well enough.  Luckily, I stayed dry on the ride, but I was happy to have my waterproof base zipped into my Joe Rocket jacket.    Even at 60F, cruising along without a windshield lets the wind cut right through layers of clothing. 
I threw an old messenger bag on my back with a few items I needed for work, and it stayed put nicely.  I didn't anticipate that being a problem anyways, since I have ridden road bikes and mt. bikes with that bag for years.  Timbuktu makes the coolest looking, most durable bags in the world as far as I can tell.
Now, just pray that the forecasted thunderstorms don't make my life miserable on the way home this evening.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Suit Up!

Tried out my new gear for the first time last night. It all felt
great, right down to the gloves.
I got to ride around my neighborhood about 7 miles before it got too
dark and too rainy. Loved it!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Getting my green (red) on...

On Saturday, I did it.  I staked a claim to my very own MadAss.  They had every available color to choose from except flat-black.  It should almost go without saying that I chose red.  It's a beautiful thing! 
I made it to the DMV just before they opened Saturday morning, excited and ready.  I was first in line... to find out that motorcycle learners permit tests are not administered on Saturdays. Nerds! 
I went and took care of business at Maplewood Scooter Company anyways.  While I was hoping to pick up my hog the same day, it was not to be.  Some prep-work and safety checks still had to be done.  Don't want to skimp on those, I suppose. 
Hopefully by the close of business today, you will find me atop my very own 125cc's of fire engine red, pissed off badger, fury.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


MadAss gets 85+ mpg. Oddly enough, that means it gets about 85 miles per tank...

That fuel economy is about 4x my Volvo, which is considered "green" by the American government. In my estimation, the FEDS should actually buy me a MadAss. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I've never actually gotten a gift for earth day before (except the "BPA- free" water bottle that building management just dropped on my desk). But maybe I have it all wrong...maybe I should be giving mother nature a gift. I think she'd look good on a MadAss.

Mother Earth needs your (my) help

Today is Earth Day.  Even if you're not the typical "green" citizen, you should feel obligated to own a mode of motorized transportation that gets better than 12mpg, like my cars do.  The peer pressure to give in to the magic of the MadAss is strong.  How much longer can I feign deafness to the MadAss's siren call?  I don't know, and I don't want to find out.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Nice goggles...

Join the Wolf-Pack?

Brandon brought to my attention yesterday, the concept of something called a "MadAss"...many would describe it as a small motorcycle. However, those in the business compare its likeness to that of a pissed off badger. Generally I avoid angry overgrown rodents, but I think I may be willing to make an exception in this case.

What was a dream when I woke up this morning, has quickly escalated into "realistic" territory. What now??

Do I really want one of these?

No.  I need one of these!